My name is Jayaprakash Sundararaj (JP). I have 12 years of expertise in the software industry. I have almost ten years of experience at Google Inc, where I worked on ‘Search Ranking’, ‘Recommendation Systems’, ‘On Device Search’. I’ve managed and mentored a lot of engineers on the team that have a track record of launching successful projects and improving metrics. You’re welcome to send an email. I may be reached at os[my-first-name]
- Areas: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Information retrieval
- Programming: C++, Kotlin, Python
- Frameworks: Tensorflow, MapReduce (~Spark), BigTable/SSTable (~HBase/Cassandra), Protobuf (Data Serialization)
I studied M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) at IIT Bombay from 2012 to 2014. Following graduation, my studies concentrated mostly on NLP, ML, and information retrieval. In addition, I was given the opportunity to intern with the Yahoo! Multimedia Team, where I worked on enhancing ‘Image Search Relevance’.
I took the following courses from IITB:Machine Learning
I took the following courses from IITB:Machine Learning
- Advanced Machine Learning (focused on Probabilistic Graphical Models)
- Natural Language Processing
- Topics in Natural Language Processing (focused on Statistical Machine Translation)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Web Mining
- R&D - Semantic Web
- R&D - Sub-modular functions in Text Summarization
- Probabilistic Models
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Distributed Systems
- SPOJ (retired currently; I got a peak ranking of <1000 among all worldwide participants.)
- Goodreads
- Personal Blog